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Hi! I'm Alissa. I'm 12 years old, and I weld Deskpets. Since I was only 11 when I wanted to learn to weld, I could not sign up for a formal course. As a result, my dad, Jason, took a course to learn for himself, and then teach me. When he shared this with his instructor, the instructor invited me to come and weld with him before my dad's class one day.  After that, I was hooked!

My dad also enjoys welding. Some of the pieces are his, some are mine, and some are a collaboration between the two of us.   I am the Chief Welder and Creative Visionary. My dad is the Assistant Welder, Head Trainer, Chief Motivator, Financial Backer, Chauffer, Logistics Coordinator, Quality Control Inspector, and First Aid Provider.

We use scrap and repurposed material whenever possible. Our workbench is made from warehouse rack shelving. The plasma cutter table is made entirely from metal bed frames. Our creations have used pieces from barbeques, bicycles, toaster ovens, chain saws, auto parts, and rusty tools. We have found some amazing things at garage sales and second-hand stores, which otherwise would have made their way to the landfill.

I have a great time welding with my dad. So far, our injuries have been minor and the garage hasn't burned down.  I hope our love of fusing metal into these unique crafts puts a smile on your face!

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